Tuesday, December 23, 2008

M and N

A couple days ago I pasted a picture of a car on the computer program "Paint" .I got an idea that I could customize those cars. Another thing is that my neighbor and I both like cars. So one day we came up with a company named "M and N" becuase his name starts with an"M" and mine starts with an "N." So what I do is customize those cars and put an M and N symbol on them. Our symbol is a car chassis with an "M" on one side and an "N" on the other. These are my favorites.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Porsche Movie

This is a movie that I made a while ago. It probably interests me more than anybody else ,though...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tigers Football

Last night Kirsi, my dad and I went to a Bentonville Tigers football game. It was fun! Here are some of my pictures.

The Tigers won 31-3. Kirsi didn't want to come, but she had a lot af fun anyway! Go Tigers!
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Monday, August 4, 2008

Building Cars

I like to go online and build my own cars. These are some of my favorites.
Left: Volkswagen Rabbit
Right: NISMO Z

These two cars are a BMW 328xi and a Dodge Challenger. The Challenger has 425 horsepower and is Dodge's newest car. The BMW has a body kit that I put on it.

This is a Bugatti Veyron, it's the second fastest car in the world that you can drive on the road. It can go up to 251 mph! But it costs $2 million.... a little too expensive. If you want to make one just go to www.bugatti.com scroll over "Veyron 16.4" then click on "Configurator." Have fun!

Nathan Rocks