Thursday, March 5, 2009

Where my obsession started...

My mom and I realized the other day that my obsession with cars started with my dad buying sunglasses for Wal-Mart. One of the sunglasses had #24 Jeff Gordon, a NASCAR driver, on them. He decided to watch the NASCAR race that weekend. I watched, too. I enjoyed it. We started watching all the races. We both had our favorite drivers. I saved my money and bought a NASCAR video game. The next year my friend gave me a racing game with sports cars and supercars. I started researching the cars on the internet. I learned about more that weren't on the game. I started recording information about the cars. I started to find my favorites. Then my dad took me to a Porsche dealership (the one trip to the dealership I did a post on was my 2nd time). Porsche became my favorite car company. Now I was completely involved. Then I got a car magazine. And now I've created a new blog all about cars. And it all happened because my dad bought sunglasses...

Check out my new blog!

Well, I obviously like cars. I think you already knew that. So I've created a new blog. It's called "Supercar Zone." It's all about my favorite cars. I'm doing my best to do a new post every day about a different car. I know it will probably bore you, but if you want to, check out

Nathan Rocks